The World’s Easiest Pumpkin Bread Recipe

slices of pumpkin bread
This recipe is easy. Really easy. In fact, we really don't need an entire blog post to give you the world's easiest pumpkin bread recipe. So we decided to delve into the debate on one optional ingredient: raisins. That's right, half a cup of raisins in this recipe is just... [read more]

Head Down To Georgetown For The Wooden Boat Show

wooden boat in the water on a warm, sunny day
Ahh yes. It's finally almost here. The annual Wooden Boat Show is October 14-16 in Georgetown. The only thing better is an auto show, but hey, we're a car dealership, so, you know. Wooden boats, however, speak to our appreciation of history. They're classic. They're beautiful. What's not to love? Wooden... [read more]